Mis-adventures of a Letterboxer-Errant

"A letterboxer errant without trail entanglements would be
like a tree without leaves or fruit, or a body without a soul"

(dvn2r ckr c. 2005)

Oh the places we will go! Dr Seuss

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Location: Pacific Northwest, VA, United States

a little kernel of a chaos manager for three children & a small amoeba of the US govt

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Trip to the grocery store

Something else I try to do every where we go is visit a local grocery store. On our final night in town, we found a 'supermarket'. It was so cool to explore the aisles of products available in the store. We must've spent a couple of hours in the store. It was so neat. Here are a couple things we found. First, the choco/cheesecake rolls we found in Xi'an--we actually found them in bulk at the store. Second, we found blueberry flavored potato sticks. Um, interesting! They weren't sweet--just savory with a hint of blueberry. Who knew?

I think we left with 4 bags full of groceries and other amenities and spent maybe $12? Money went really far in the grocery store. 3 Reach toothbrushes for about $1. A large tube of Crest toothpaste for less than $0.50.


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