Exploring Namdaemun Market

Namdaemun Gate at Night (Seoul's South Gate)
We eventually wound our way down the mountain following paths we'd never before explored. We found a couple more unique 'exercise' stations hidden along paths down the mountain. We also found a few 'water stations' along the way--watering holes where people would dip or collect water with a community 'dipper' and drink to their hearts' content--that is, of course, when the water is flowing. This was not the case during this particular visit as the water was down to a mere trickle from a rusty pipe at the base of the cistern. No thank you, we weren't thirsty. ;) From Mt Namsan, we wandered down to Namdaemun Market. I wasn't that interested in buying anything in particular at THE market in Seoul, just wanted to see how the market differed between the seasons. We noticed the butchers were still selling pork 'knuckles'--the ones that debuted, like clockwork, on 1 Nov. The turtle 'man' was still there selling his 'pet' turtles from Virginia--the turtles surely destined for turtle soup and not folks' aquariums. The seafood markets really seemed to focus on dried fish and squid at the moment. There weren't any live octopi or squid this time around. I took a moment to sketch Namdaemun's Gate (Seoul's South Gate) while we enjoyed chilsung cider and coca cola--with straws. Then, we headed back home--navigating the crowded rush hour streets and markets all the way.
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