Tower by dusk...

Seoul Tower at dusk
Of course, today we set out on our trek at around 5pm. Blame trkr for that. So, our adventure time was quite limited. We decided to try to walk South around Mt Namsan and see where it would take us. The sun shone brilliantly overhead when we first headed out. Two hours later, it was setting, quickly. Fortunately, the walking (I mean mountain climbing trails--which more accurately describes them) trails around Mt Namsan are well-lit at night so even late outings, like the ones we're prone to find ourselves on, aren't such adventurous events for us. Thank goodness.
On a side note, our self-imposed goal of visiting all four gates of Seoul has been sidelined by the fact that only two still exist. Well, we've seen THOSE two already. So, we had to come up with a new 'self-imposed goal' for our visit to Seoul. This one would be to circum-navigate the entire Namsan Mountain--by foot! It would be incredible if we could do it all in one day--but that would be one MAJOR hike. So, we'll settle for completing it in chunks. I think our 5 mile outing today, coupled with a previous 4 mile outing circuit may have us about 50% done on this quest. Who knows? When we actually get all the way around it, then we'll know how far it'll be. ;) Regardless, we're having fun exploring and getting exercise in the process.
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