Peaceful Mummy!
rnrB hanging out with a mummy 'stand out'. We saw an actual mummy--a woman wrapped in linen and covered with a scarab/pectoral decoration. We also saw a wooden mummy sarcaphagous and several scarabs, amulets, canopic jars and other funerary items. There were marble sculptures from Rome, drawings by DaVinci, Rembrandt, Dürer, etc. What a neat opportunity!
Then, later in the evening we 'channel surf' for a bit and stumble upon the Asian Discovery Channel (in English with Hangul subtitles). They just happen to be showing a special on an archaeological dig outside of Giza, Egypt in search of unlocated royal tombs/burial sites. So, we saw the mummies and sarcophagi in the afternoon and then watched a special on archaeologists 'digging' for new burial sites in the evening. It just doesn't get better than that!
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