Mis-adventures of a Letterboxer-Errant

"A letterboxer errant without trail entanglements would be
like a tree without leaves or fruit, or a body without a soul"

(dvn2r ckr c. 2005)

Oh the places we will go! Dr Seuss

My Photo
Location: Pacific Northwest, VA, United States

a little kernel of a chaos manager for three children & a small amoeba of the US govt

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Bizarre find of the day!

Day 27 & counting...
Consecutive days of rain...
Gloomy? No way...
Not when you experience something as bizarre as we did today.
National media reported the 27th day of rain in the Seattle area.
Despite the rain, the sun shone. A lot!
We spent the day enjoying the sun.
At our favorite beach.
While dodging rain drops.

So, too, did several dozen scuba divers from around the region.
Divers are normal at the beach.
What isn't normal is what one diver brought back to shore.

We were headed home from the beach, when we noticed a diver perform some odd maneuvers. He rolled over like a seal and then tossed his fins around causing quite a stir.
We noticed this aberrant behavior immediately--
assuming he was experiencing a medical emergency
and that we'd need to swim out to render aid.
He saw how perplexed we were and then explained his behavior:
he was simply testing new equipment.

A moment later, he dives under again and retrieves a china plate.
He thanks us for asking about him and gives us the plate.

Now the mystery that perplexes us is why was there a plate in Puget Sound?
How did it get there?
Is somebody's china set missing a plate?
How bizarre!
We continue home, plate in hand, across the railroad tracks--where we find one dime, one nickel and two pennies along the tracks--that had been 'elongated' by passing trains.
Definitely an interesting day.
Perhaps we'll hide a letterbox to commemorate such an odd discovery???
Tomorrow might be bizarre, too.
I start my glassblowing lessons in T-town.
Let's hope they're educational and not TOO exciting!!!


Blogger speedsquare said...

Is that your most interesting piece of sea glass?

6:27 AM  
Blogger Adventure Seeker said...

We've found several odd things before--but yes, indeed, this was one of the oddest. A couple of years ago we found a tiny bottle (perhaps perfume?) from what appeared to be around the 1940s at Priest Point Park--submerged in the sand. Then, last year I found a piece of tile with a geometric 'maze' pattern on it--about 4" long--with velcro on back. Odd! The past month I've been searching for tiny sanddollars--about 4 millimeters in diameter! I've found about 5 of those now. As for the plate, I have images in my head of a somebody tossing it like a frisbee into the water--just to see how far it'd skip. ;)

7:36 AM  

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