Mis-adventures of a Letterboxer-Errant

"A letterboxer errant without trail entanglements would be
like a tree without leaves or fruit, or a body without a soul"

(dvn2r ckr c. 2005)

Oh the places we will go! Dr Seuss

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Location: Pacific Northwest, VA, United States

a little kernel of a chaos manager for three children & a small amoeba of the US govt

Monday, September 22, 2008

Learnin' Bulgarian in Babylon...

Interesting day. Spent some time in one of several dozen palaces. They obviously were built by Saddam. They have this ethereal 'plastic-ness' about them. Almost too perfect but crumbly and decrepit all at the same time. They remind me of something you'd find on Michael Jackson's ranch. Like they tried to create a perfect eden but missed the marked significantly. Saw a giant Great Blue Heron today. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take any photos of it. Also saw several trees full of hundreds and hundreds of tiny blackbirds--something akin to Hitchkock's "The Birds". As for the Bulgarian, most evenings I wait in a rather long line for access to the internet. Whilst waiting I'm surrounded by Bulgarian nationals who are waiting with me. I finally got tired of not knowing any of their language and printed up a handful of 'useful phrase' sheets from www.omniglot.com So I'm trying to spend my wait time in a somewhat productive manner. Hence the Bulgarian. Here's the joke of the day...one of the 'useful phrases' on the list is "My hovercraft is full of eels!" Korabat mi na v'zdysna vazglavnica e palen sas zmiorki. In case you need to learn this very important phrase. Dobar vecer e dovizdane!


Blogger Scarab said...

What? I have to look it up now? I know some Armenian but I don't know how to spell it. Zse na vor nor zanoot! That's supposed to mean Merry Christmas. Glad to hear you can make contact. Stomp stomp to the sand worms. Do you get any mail?

12:02 PM  
Blogger Wisconsin Hiker said...

Wish you could post some photos. Be careful over there!]

How is the rest of the family coping so far?

Wisconsin Hiker

7:30 PM  

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