Barefoot Park--up close & personal!!!
First, we opted for some more 'foot torture'. Again, we stumbled upon another barefoot park. This one consisted of a path through various 'terrain features' that seem to be constructed ENTIRELY to cause severe pain to most humans' feet. This one differed from the one on Mt Namsan in that it had sections with tiny golf ball sized 'pointy' rocks embedded in concrete that just seemed to shred the dickens out of our feet (not literally but boy did it do that figuratively). Then, in spots it had stainless steel GIANT ball bearings that at first glance might have been comfortable but not for this human's feet--I think they might have been more comfortable for Paul Bunyan. ;) Then, instead of semi-cut logs, this path used 'V' cut logs---OUCH!!! This particular barefoot path had me reeling in pain!!! It made me WANT to go back to negotiate Mt Namsan's barefoot park while sucking my thumb in the fetal position. This one hurt THAT badly! Hey, did you notice that the various 'textures' in this particular barefoot park appear in sections shaped like 'feet'? That was quite different from the park on Mt Namsan. Hmmm...did we find the geocache yet???
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