Huaqing Chi Hot Springs

Imperial Hot Springs & Lishan Mountains
The Huaqing Chi hot springs are located at the foot of Lishan Mountain (the mountain that looks like a house) not terribly far from the Terracotta Warrior Museum. The hot springs were discovered during the Western Zhou Dynasty--over 3,000 years ago. The Zhou ruler built a winter residence here. Future Dynasty emperors added various pavilions, towers, terraces and halls to the site. We wandered around the grounds and thoroughly enjoyed the beauty and the incredible display of Spring blooming flowers. The colors were amazing! In the distance, you could make out a rope car up to the top of the gorgeous mountain. That would have been neat to explore! The mountains are a beautiful sight in this region. In Xi'an proper, it seems as if we're surrounded by nothing but flat, agricultural plateau. Drive out Eastward about 30 km and you're surrounded by gorgeous, craggy mountains.
Alas, our highly orchestrated tour doesn't allow time for casual exploring--something I really dislike about organized tours.
Remind me for future visits, to schedule in several free days in addition to the 'mandatory' tour days!
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