More Pyongtaek Rice Paddies
Another whirling blur of rice paddies along our 'open stretch' of road down near Pyongtaek. We used to drive by these paddies all the time when we lived in this area many years ago. It was interesting to see how much things have changed in the area, yet to also be able to contrast that with how much things have stayed the same. Not terribly far from these rice paddies was a new elevated 'bullet train' track. It was just being built when we lived here before. Wow--to think so much technology and infrastructure has been built in the area in such a relatively short amount of time. I compare that with how much 'infrastructure' repairs and new structures have been built where we live in the US--not even a fraction of what we've seen not only throughout Korea but also around Xi'an and Beijing, China, too. Looks like Asia's economy is booming! Korea is definitely growing in leaps and bounds. Yet, it's refreshing to see that some ways of life still take the slow, old-fashioned approach--that's definitely the case with farming and rice rearing!
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