Busy, Busy Saturday!

dvn2r ckr with POWER TOOLS!!!
Today was a busy day! We started the day off bright and early with the 12 km Sound to Narrows running race. It's known as the toughest 12km in the world and it's got something like a 700'+ elevation change. It's the third time I've run this event and it's comforting to know that I've run consistently slower, MUCH slower, each time around. The embarrassing part is that the last time I ran it I was pregnant--so running slower this time wasn't a good thing. So, I completed the course and had a blast exploring the 'freebie' stands afterwards. Mostly the typical handouts--water, fruit, handouts, but then Starbucks had their Iced Mint Frappucino stand. So, we had to try them. Ok, not just once, but twice! ;) Mmmm.... Then, we picked up our free loaf of Roman Meal bread (they were one of the big sponsors) and Sierra Mist.
After we finished our 'exploring the freebies' adventure, we caught the shuttle back to our car. From there, we headed over to the 'build the playground' event at Ft Steilacoom Park. The plan is for the community to all pitch in to help build one of these massive mega-cool playgrounds. Awesome!!! I went there ready to WORK! I signed in and was instantly labelled 'unskilled'. Cool! That meant I was going to keep all 10 of my fingers! :) Then, I had to find one of the folks in the 'yellow' shirts--indicating they were a head honcho. So, I found Doug (in a pink shirt) and then Bill (in a yellow shirt) and he instantly said "ever used a router before?" I said "nope but I'm teachable". So, I went from being 'unskilled' to skilled in about 1.5 minutes! He handed me a router, an extension cord and I was off! Rendering rough 90* angles to smooth, curved edges every where I could possible find a rough edge. It was awesome! Empowerment, baby!!!
So, this picture is (staged of course) of me using a router. We had to stage the photo because the debris kept flying directly into my eyes/hair--couldn't figure out how to switch the shield. That'll occur on the 2nd day of lessons, I presume... ;)
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