Barefoot park...aka "foot acupunture via horse needles"
Ok, so this is a better way to describe THIS barefoot park: "foot acupuncture via horse needles"!!! If you study the picture, you'll see a little blue & pink sign on the right that describes the 'reflexology points' that negotiating this path will target. I'd vouch that this sign is correct and add a giant MIGRAINE to the points, too. All kidding aside, this is one of those things that is so interesting to stumble upon (did I say stumble???--ha ha) while traveling about foreign countries. It reminds me of my trips to the Kur in the Austrian Alps (for 'supposed' pleasure) when I was a child--first you walk barefoot through freezing cold water for 10 minutes, then you dunk your frozen feet into practically boiling (geothermally warmed) water for 10 minutes, then back to the frozen water, then back to the boiling--until the flesh from your feet practically falls off. This sequence is performed with the hope that it will improve your health. Ha! ;) Hmmm...barefoot parks? Kur? Tetanus shots? I may lean slightly toward opting for the tetanus shot... ;) Well, did we find the geocache here?
As painful as it was walking through; I did feel refreshed when it was done.
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