You are now entering the DMZ!!!

Joint Security Area
This is Camp Bonifas within the Joint Security Area. The most heavily fortified military installation in the world! A very lonely outpost for the Soldiers who serve here.
It is here where we receive our extremely detailed instructions on what we can and can't do within the DMZ.
No pointing, no waving, no gesturing to North Korean guards. Walk in single file lines without talking. No photographs until told you are allowed. No bathrooms in the DMZ. Very few things you CAN do. We quickly learn that this is serious business. Not your typical tour! Real lives were on the line--at every moment!
We must sign declaration statements saying we understand these rules and that we may find ourselves in danger. Upon signing the form, we are handed our blue UNC Visitor's Badge--which is our 'ticket' for the rest of the tour.
We learn we are part of a very elite group--the folks who are able to 'take' this tour. Few Koreans ever take this tour. For them, gaining clearance to take this tour requires an extensive background check. A check that looks back four generations of their families to see if there exist any reasons for NOT allowing them the opportunity to tour. Other nationalities are just downright prohibited!
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