Mis-adventures of a Letterboxer-Errant

"A letterboxer errant without trail entanglements would be
like a tree without leaves or fruit, or a body without a soul"

(dvn2r ckr c. 2005)

Oh the places we will go! Dr Seuss

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Location: Pacific Northwest, VA, United States

a little kernel of a chaos manager for three children & a small amoeba of the US govt

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Crab Season!!!

Dungeness Season!!!

Went back to our beach (I wish) for a while today to beachcomb. Found a teeny, tiny Dungeness Crab and the remnants of an adult Dungeness. Thought the contrast in size was rather interesting. Not sure why the small one died--it was essentially hollow but all its limbs where there. Not sure what did it in. The big one obviously suffered the wrath of something more destructive--sea lions, sea gulls, the resident/transient orca pod? Who knows?


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