North Korean Mountains

DMZ landscape & North Korean mountains
Here's a picture of the wildlife reserve 'feel' of the DMZ in the foreground. Animals were everywhere. I stopped counting the number of gigantic cranes I saw flying through this region. I also observed one of the plumpest, most gorgeous pheasants I have ever seen in the wild--in this spot. Unthreatened, I presume.
Off in the distance is North Korea. The mountains, which you can just barely make out through the Yellow Dust haze, were completely barren. All trees had been removed by the North to be used for fuel over the years. In fact, I don't recall seeing ANY trees or greenery on the distant side of the DMZ. Very big impression this made on me. Perhaps this lack of trees is synonymous with the sparse living conditions on the distant side? A 'natural' parallel to two extreme worlds?
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