THE reason for visiting the park in the first place...

Well, we eventually find our 'treasure'. More so because we really need to drop off the Meowth Travel Bug so it can make its way to Japan--where all pokemon are created. BUT the cool thing for us ends up being that not only do we find our First Korean geocache but we are also First to Find (FTF) it--a big deal in the geocaching community (not so much in the letterboxing world). Achieving FTF for any cache in the US is almost impossible--so we're excited that we find our first & only FTF this trip. ;) AND we're even MORE excited that the GIANT Meowth Travel Bug we've been carrying along with us over some 8,000+ miles for the past several weeks, with some creative maneuvering, will actually FIT in this geocache!!! Woo Hoo!!! So, our adventure this day seems to have come to an end...but has it??? ;)
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