The grey mystery box revealed!!!

Okay, so the grey mystery box on the bathroom stall was actually "Sound Water"!!!
Running water 'ambience' for the squat pot!!! It is so funny that this was actually installed in a public toilet. Funnier that we have never found 'hot water' running in public restrooms' sinks--EVER, we presume as a cost saving measure, but the fact that they installed machines that actually create the sound of running water IN A PUBLIC RESTROOM to help folks 'go' is beyond me. Even funnier that some of the pipes leaked and that the 'running water' sound was already a 'given' in the restroom--why the need to recreate a sound that already existed in this particular environment?
After having lived in this country for a year and a half and then having visited it several times in addition to that--this truly was a first for us! We'd always affectionately labeled Korea as the Land of the Not Quite Right (insert many long funny personal stories here)--but this truly embodies how it earned this interesting nickname from us. ;) It certainly gave us a great chuckle!!!
Also brings up the term...
Only IN Korea
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