Water bear feeding???

As we continue to meander around this giant park, we stumbled upon polar bear & seal feeding time. Who knew?
Polar bear feeding...reminds me the Korean (Hangul) writing reads "bah tah tong mul gwan" which most likely means "bear in water." Of course, I'm presuming this. I figure 'bah tah tong' is bear, I know 'mul' is water, and I'm not quite sure what 'gwan' means, perhaps cold? Funny--having grown up in Germany it reminded me that the German word for polar bear is 'Eisbär" which literally means 'ice bear'. Funny, how the same animal has so many 'uniquely' different names around the world.
On either side of the Polar Bears were Sea Lions and Seals. Both sets were fed before we got to see the bears fed. The handler feed the Seals and Sea Lions directly inside their environment. When it came time to feed the Polar Bears he was outside and actually stood right in front of us - quite a interesting experience.
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